The BestIndoor FloweringPlants
10th August, 2022
Plants are amazing! Research has shown they can improve your mood, reduce stress levels, increase productivity, and purify the air. If you’re also looking to create a pop of colour, why not add in a flowering house plant – there are a wide choice of plants out there that can produce flowers at different seasons throughout the year. Not only do they make the perfect addition to any home, but they are also a thoughtful gift that can say a lot.
Here are some of our favourites we think you should try.
These incredibly popular houseplants have long been a firm favourite and, depending on the colour you choose, can be given as a gift to celebrate a new baby, a fresh start or even good health. Plus, with blooms coming appearing throughout the year they’re the perfect all-rounder gift. It’s also a great air purifier, can help improve your mood and they’re not toxic to pets. Placed in bright, indirect light with regular watering and misting, the orchid flowers will last for months.
Treasured by the Incas, Aztecs and Mayans, the bromeliad plant was seen as a ‘gift from the gods’ because it could be used for food, shelter and ceremonies. Their long-lasting bloom keeps going throughout summer but be warned they only flower once in their lifetime! Incredibly low maintenance they don’t need much apart from plenty of light, warmth and humidity. Unlike most plants, water is given by filling the tank in the centre of the rosette of leaves. Most varieties of this plant are non-toxic to pets, but always check.
Peace Lily
These are some of the easiest house plants to look after which makes them perfect to give as a gift to someone moving into their first home. The spring flowering plant likes to be kept somewhere warm, non-draughty and with indirect light. Get this right and they’ll happily keep flowering again and again. They even tell you when they’re thirsty, look for drooping leaves and it’s time for a drink.
But be careful, peace lilies are toxic so keep them away from pets.
Calla Lily
Although not actually a lily, this summer flowering plant represents youth and rebirth, making it a perfect gift to celebrate a new baby. It also celebrates a 6th wedding anniversary. A little bit picky when it comes to care, this house plant wants a bright spot out of direct sunlight with just the right amount of watering. Keep well away from pets, every part of this plant is toxic if eaten by a pet.
If you’re looking for a flowering house plant that will brighten the home over the autumn and winter months, then you should choose a cyclamen. Keep them cool and out of direct sunlight and don’t overwater – it doesn’t react very well – and the flowers should keep coming for a least six weeks. The roots are the most dangerous part of the plant if eaten by your pets, best keep it out of the way.
Miniature Indoor Rose Plant
If you’re wanting to give the miniature rose as a house plant gift, then choose one that portrays a message – each colour has a different meaning. The indoor rose loves to show off its blooms from spring into late summer and you can get the most out of them by placing them in a bright, warm sport and give them plenty of water (especially when in bloom). These plants aren’t toxic to pets, but they do have thorns – be careful!
This house plant is the dignified member of our plant group (after all purple is the colour of royalty) and has been used for centuries for medicinal purposes, stress and anxiety. We couldn’t agree more, its purple blooms will certainly brighten things up and they smell amazing. Flowers appear through June and July and it’s a great plant for beginners – give it plenty of light and the right amount of water and it won’t complain. The plant contains linalool which gives its signature scent, but it is toxic to pets.
The kalanchoe is known for its endurance – its flowers that appear in February can last for up to eight weeks! This house plant is said to bring wealth and prosperity, perfect if you know someone who needs some luck. As a succulent, it likes a bright spot out of direct sunlight and not too much to drink (they use their thick leaves to store water) – if anything they like to be a bit drier. Keep away from pets though!
If you’re looking for a plant whose name matches how it looks, then go for the ‘Bell Flower’ (campanula is the Latin name for ‘bell’). Give this plant the right amount of light and the delicate blooms will keep coming throughout spring and summer (they can even keep going into autumn). Just don’t forget to give them a good drink about twice a week, they’re incredibly thirsty. They’re also safe to have around pets.
Give this plant to a friend and you’re saying a lot in one go - their heart shaped ‘flowers’ represent long-lasting love, friendship and luck (they are also top of the class for purifying the air!) The blooms appear sporadically throughout the year (as long as you give them a three-month rest period at the end of flowering). As a tropical plant, it needs somewhere warm to live with plenty of bright, indirect light and don’t let the soil dry out. They’re definitely not any good for pets.
If you’re looking for the perfect thank you gift, then choose the begonia - it means consideration and good communication between parties. These house plants produce an abundance of delicate flowers over the autumn and winter months which, if kept in good light, will keep on coming. Perfect for beginners, this plant doesn’t mind if it’s forgotten and will even tell you when it needs watering (drooping leaves are a good indicator). Keep away from your pets - it can cause a severe reaction if eaten.
Christmas Cactus
As the name suggests, this is a cactus which flowers between November and February making them the perfect Christmas gift – they’re also safe to have around pets. Their abundance of trumpet-shaped flowers certainly brings a splash of colour during the gloomy winter months. Unlike most cacti, the christmas cactus doesn’t want to sit in direct sunlight, preferring a bright spot with plenty of humidity. Only water when the top of the soil is dry.
If you want to show someone how proud you are of them, then gift an amaryllis. The plant represents pride, strength and success (well it does stand tall above all the other winter flowers). Giving a stunning display through winter and spring, this plant wants a bright spot out of direct sunlight (although they can thrive in partial light), no draughts and a good top up of water every couple of weeks. It can cause a nasty reaction if eaten by your pets.
The poinsettia certainly has Christmas all wrapped up, the shape of the flower is said to symbolise the Star of Bethlehem and the red leaves the blood of Christ. All we know is that they look good! Keep the blooms going by placing in a bright light that’s not in direct sun and only water if the surface of the soil gets dry. The poinsettia is slightly toxic to cats and dogs and may cause upset to delicate tums if eaten. So there we have it, our list of our favourite flowering house plants perfect to jazz up any space in your home.