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Happy BirthdayMessages for Him

Who is that special man in your life? Hopefully, you’ve got more than one, it could be your fantastic dad, your cheeky uncle or even that annoying younger brother.

Are you looking for the best way to write a happy birthday message for him, but can’t get past the classic ‘happy birthday, have a great day’? We’ve created a bumper list of birthday messages for him to get you started.

Happy Birthday Brother

Nothing quite beats the bond between siblings. Your brother may drive you absolutely crazy or he could be the absolute rock in your life but one thing we do know, you wouldn’t be without him. Not sure what to write in his birthday card? Whether you want thoughtful birthday wishes or something a bit funny for a brother or brother-in-law, we’ve got you covered.

Simple birthday messages for brother


Happy birthday big/little brother. It’s time to celebrate and eat some cake!


Thank you for being the best brother and always being there for me. Happy birthday.


Happy birthday to my superhero brother. I love you.


Another year of being an amazing younger/older brother. Happy birthday.


If I was asked to create the best brother in the world, he’d be just like you. Happy birthday.

Funny birthday messages for brother


I didn’t bother buying you a gift for your birthday. Why would you need one, you’ve got me as your brother/sister. That’s the best present, ever. Happy birthday brother.


Let’s celebrate, you’re officially my favourite brother! Ok, so you’re my only brother but that’s beside the point! Happy birthday big/little bro


You deserve a medal for your birthday. I mean you did survive another year of having me as your sister/brother!


Sorry, you’re how old? Isn’t it time for you to grow up? Forget that, it’s never going to happen. Happy birthday brother.


No matter where you are in the world, always remember I still know how to annoy you. Happy birthday.

Thoughtful birthday messages for a brother or brother-in-law


When I need help, you’re by my side. When I need cheering up, you make me laugh. When I’m feeling sad, you give me a cuddle. Thank you for being the most supportive brother. Happy birthday


You are not only a brother/brother-in-law to me, you’re also my best friend. Thank you for always being there. Happy birthday.


When they were handing out brothers, I got lucky. You are the best sibling a brother/sister could ask for. Here’s to another year of fun together. Happy birthday.


You can't choose who your sister/brother will pick as a husband, but we got lucky when you came along. Happy birthday brother-in-law!


Having you as a brother/brother-in-law is amazing. You look out for me, and no one can make me laugh the way you do. Thank you for always being there. Happy birthday.

Happy birthday brother quotes


"Brothers and sisters are as close as hands and feet."

Vietnamese proverb


"A brother is a friend given by nature."

Ernest Legouvé


"Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero."

Marc Brown


"Help your brother’s boat across, and your own will reach the shore."

Hindu Proverb


"There’s no other love like the love for a brother. There’s no other love like the love from a brother."

Astrid Alauda

Happy Birthday Dad

Dads are integral to our lives. Always there to help out, fix things and teach us those important life lessons. Their birthday is the perfect opportunity to tell them just how much you love them and how grateful you are for everything they do.

Heart touching happy birthday wishes for dad


If I ever need a superhero, you’re the one I call. Thank you for always being there over the years. Happy birthday dad!


I’m so glad that I’ve got you as my dad. When times are good you cheer me on and when they are bad you pick me up. Thank you for always being there for me. Happy birthday.


You’ve made me the person I am today. Thank you for always being there, happy birthday dad.


When they were handing out fathers, I hit the jackpot. You are the best dad any daughter/son could ever want. Thank you for supporting me in everything I do. Happy birthday.


You started out as my father teaching me the important ways of life and now, I’m also lucky enough to call you my best friend. Thank you, dad and happy birthday.

Birthday messages for father-in-law


To me, you’re just like a second dad. Thank you for everything you do. Happy birthday.


I’m so lucky to have you as my father-in-law. Happy birthday to such an amazing man.


To the best father-in-law. Happy birthday. Thank you for always treating me like one of your own kids.


As the years go by, our relationship gets better and better. Thank you for always being there for us. Happy birthday father-in-law.


When I married your son/daughter I knew I was getting the perfect partner for life. I didn’t realise I was also getting the best second dad ever. Thank you for everything you do. Happy birthday.

Funny birthday messages for dad


Now we’re all getting older I really think it’s time to come clean. Come on dad, admit it, I’m your favourite! Happy birthday.


Enjoy your birthday to the fullest because today, all the attention is on you. Let’s be honest tomorrow it’s back to reality and it’ll be all about me, your favourite child!


You may not be stylish, funny or cool, but I still love you. Happy birthday dad!


If the definition of a great dad is someone who tells awful jokes, then you’re the winner - hands down. Happy birthday dad – spare us any jokes today!


Dad, you’ve made it to another year without embarrassing me too much in front of my friends. You must try harder next year. Happy birthday dad!

Happy birthday dad from a daughter


You are the best father a daughter could ask for. Thank you for always being there for me. Happy birthday dad.


Dad, you always put a smile on my face and fill my heart with love. Thank you for always being brilliant. Happy birthday.


If ever I need help or guidance, you are the person I turn to. Thank you for always being there when I need you. Happy birthday Dad from your daughter. Let me spoil you rotten today!


As I get older, I realise just how amazing a dad you are to me. Thank you for everything you do. Happy birthday dad.


If they made awards for ‘best dad in the world’, you’d win first place every time. Happy birthday dad!

Happy birthday dad quotes


"Men are like wine. Some turn to vinegar, but the best improve with age"

Pope John XXIII


"A father is someone you look up to no matter how tall you grow."



"She did not stand alone, but what stood behind her, the most potent moral force in her life, was the love of her father."

Harper Lee, Go Set a Watchman


"I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father's protection."

Sigmund Freud


"No man stands taller than when he stoops to help a child."

Abraham Lincoln

Birthday quotes for dads no longer with us

Whether you’re recently dealing with the loss of your father or he passed some time ago, we’ve listed some thoughtful messages and quotes for you to say ‘happy heavenly birthday, dad’.


Thank you, dad, for everything you’ve given me in life. I’ll especially miss you today, but I know you’re always with me in my heart. Happy birthday.


If I could have one wish today it would be to spend just a little more time with you. Happy birthday dad.


Even though I can’t be with you in person I know that you are always in my heart, walking by my side every single day. Happy birthday dad.


Today I’ll remember all the best things about you dad. The fun we had together, your love and laughter and of course the cuddles you always gave me. Happy birthday dad. Missing you today.


Even though you can’t be with me in person on what would have been your birthday, know that I continue to be the person you always wanted me to be. Happy heavenly birthday dad. Today I’ll light a candle and remember our wonderful life together.

Happy Birthday Son

Whether he’s a teenager, just left home or a grown adult with children of his own, finding the right birthday wishes for a son can be challenging. Maybe you want something thoughtful to show how much you care or go for a cheeky tone to match their personality. Here are a few suggestions to get you started.

Happy birthday wishes for son


No matter how old you get, you’ll always be my beautiful son. Happy birthday.


I wouldn’t swap you for the world. Ok, maybe if someone offered me a million pounds, it might consider it. Happy birthday son!


We’re so proud of everything you’ve become. Happy birthday to our wonderful son.


I remember when you were a teenager, you were so desperate to become an adult. How does it feel! Happy birthday to my amazing son.


From the moment you were born, you’ve brought so much love and joy into our lives. Happy birthday to our wonderful son.

Simple birthday messages for son or son-in-law


Happy birthday son! You make this world a better place.


Another year around the sun for my/our amazing son/son-in-law. Happy birthday.


Our family is better with you in it. Thank you for being the best son-in-law. Happy birthday.


Happy birthday to our thoughtful son. May your day be filled with fun!


Thank you for making my daughter/son the happiest person alive. Happy birthday to our incredible son-in-law.

Happy birthday son quotes


"Son, you will outgrow my lap, but never my heart."



"Promise me you’ll always remember: you’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think."



"Sometimes when I need a miracle, I look into my son’s eyes, and realize I’ve already created one."



"You don’t raise heroes, you raise sons. And if you treat them like sons, they’ll turn out to be heroes, even if it’s just in your own eyes."

Wally Schirra

Happy Birthday Uncle

What role does your uncle play in your life? Are they a mentor, a second dad or that person who always brings a fun side to everything you do? Their birthday is the perfect excuse to remind them of just how much they mean to you. Why not create a special message for their birthday card.

Simple birthday wishes for an uncle


Happy birthday uncle. Have the best day ever!


Happy birthday uncle. I hope your day is as amazing as you.


Happy birthday to my wonderful uncle.


It’s your birthday uncle. Let’s get ready to have a party.


Happy Birthday, uncle! May this year be filled with all the love and joy you deserve.

Funny birthday messages for an uncle


Yes, you’re my uncle. Yes, it’s your birthday. But, I’m going to be honest with you, I only came for the cake! Happy birthday Uncle.


You may be older and apparently wiser than me, but let’s be honest we share the same mental age! No wonder we get along so well. Happy birthday to the best Uncle I know!


This year I wanted to put a candle on your cake to mark every year you’ve been alive but the fire brigade rang and warned me it would be a fire risk. Happy birthday anyway!


Uncle, you don’t look a day over 18. Let’s be honest, you don’t act it either. I’m not going to complain though because you’re always fun to have around. Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday Grandad

Everyone loves their grandad. Since our childhood, they have been the ones to shower us with unconditional love, teach us new things and are always guaranteed to have an interesting story to tell. Why not make your Grandad very special on his birthday and pop one of these messages into his birthday card.

Happy birthday wishes for grandad


Happy birthday to the best grandad in the world. You have more stories to tell than a library and love every single one of them!


When it comes to being a grandad, you’re an expert. You spoil us rotten, you’re wise and you give the best cuddles. Happy birthday grandad.


Sit down and relax grandad. It’s our turn to spoil you today. Happy birthday.


Whenever I need advice, you’re always the first person I turn to. Thank you for always being there. Happy birthday grandad


There aren’t many people I would call a superhero, but you’re definitely number one on my list. Happy birthday grandad, thank you for everything you do.

Funny birthday messages for grandad


You know what they say, you’re only as old as your feel. In your case, you constantly act like a 25-year-old. Happy birthday grandad.


Happy birthday grandad. We all know you’re not really 84, let’s just say you’re 24 with 60 years’ worth of experience!


Who knew the secret to eternal youth is having an afternoon nap every day. Happy birthday to the youngest-acting grandad I know!


Today we get to celebrate the birthday of the oldest – oops I meant to say – the coolest person I know. Happy birthday grandad!


We all know that you’re the life and soul of the party grandad, even if these days the party starts at 4pm and is all finished by 6pm! Happy birthday.

Milestone birthday messages for grandad


A lot of things get better with age – fine wine, whiskey, classic cards….and now you! Happy 70th birthday grandad!


They’re now saying that 50 is the new 30. If you do the maths, that must mean you’re only just hitting 50. Hurray! Happy 70th birthday to the youngest grandad I know!


Funny, wise, adventurous and full of hugs – the perfect recipe that only gets better with age. Happy 80th birthday to the most spectacular grandad any person could want.


Happy 90th birthday Grandad. You are my hero and I look up to you more than you’ll ever know. Thank you for always being there for us.


100 years of loving your amazing family. I’m so proud to call you my grandad.


Happy 100th birthday grandad. Today you join an exclusive club and I want you to know that you are an inspiration to me. Love you always.

Happy birthday grandad quotes


"The simplest toy, one which even the youngest child can operate, is called a grandparent."

Sam Levenson


"More and more, when I single out the person out who inspired me most, I go back to my grandfather."

James Earl Jones


"Great fathers get promoted to grandfathers."

Joseph Marshall III


"A grandfather has the wisdom of long experience and the love of an understanding heart."



"When I embrace my grandfather I experience a sense of richness as though I am a note in the heartbeats of the very universe."

Tayeb Salih

Birthday Wishes For Husband Or Boyfriend


I’m the luckiest wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend in the world because every single day I get to be loved by you. Happy birthday gorgeous.


Whenever I’m down, I can always guarantee you’ll put a smile on my face. Thank you for being a brilliant husband. Happy birthday.


Every day is a joyous adventure with you. Thank you for filling my world with love and laughter. Happy birthday husband/boyfriend.


On your birthday dear husband/boyfriend, there is no need to worry about how old you’re getting. After a large glass of wine, you’ll soon forget. Happy birthday!


You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. Thank you for bringing love to my life. Happy birthday boyfriend/husband.


You are without a doubt the best boyfriend/husband in the world. Happy birthday – I’m going to spoil you rotten.

Now you’ve got the card message, it’s time to sort the birthday gift for him. Take a look at our birthday gift ideas for some inspiration. Want to keep it simple? Check out our range of birthday gifts.