HomechevronRightA Guide To The August Birth Flower

AugustBirth Flower

If you’re celebrating a birthday in the month of August, or know someone who is, you could say it’s a good month for having a party. Summer is in full swing, and with it long warm balmy evenings, perfect for lighting the barbeque and sitting outside in a park or your garden (well, as long as the British weather is kind to us). What could be better for a birthday!

But of course, there is one other great thing about August; those gardens and parks are chock full of fabulous flowers. Perfect for creating a birthday bouquet. But wait, before you go mad picking the best blooms, you might want to have a think about their birth month flowers. You heard us correctly, there is a flower (or two) which celebrates the month of the year you were born.

So, let’s tell you all about the August birth flower.

What is the birth flower for August?

If you are born in August you’ve got two, equally stunning, but very different flowers to choose from – Gladioli and Poppy.


Gladioli are the flamboyant, dramatic flower of the two. If you want a bloom which can’t be missed, this is the one. First of all, these incredibly popular flowers are tall and tower above all the other blooms in your vase. Even better, each of those tall spikes displays a plethora of large, almost orchid-like blooms which appear all over the stem. No flower arranging needed, simply pop in the vase and let the blooms do all the work. It’s not hard to see why they have become an Instagram favourite.


Next, we have an equally beautiful, but slightly quieter flower, the poppy. With their delicate, papery petals set against their dark centre, these eye-catching flowers are a welcome sight across the British countryside. Although most recognisable for the wild poppies with their stunning red colour, there are in fact lots of different varieties available. Large blooms in stunning purple, coral, pink and lilac look amazing in the borders of our garden.

When you talk about poppies there are a few things that make this flower utterly recognisable. First, are the medicinal properties it can deliver. Throughout history the opium poppy has been used for its pain relieving properties and ability to soothe muscles. In fact, the name poppy actually comes from the Latin ‘pappa’ which means milk and it’s all because the buds and stalks of some poppy varieties produce a milky, latex-like substance. More recently the red poppy has been associated with remembering the loss of loved ones killed in battle. Who can forget the red poppies worn across the UK on Remembrance Sunday.

Meaning behind the August birth flowers

Now you know the two birth flowers for this month, you’ll want to know which one best suit the person celebrating their August birthday.

Let’s start with someone celebrating their birthday in early August who fall under the Leo starsign. Leo’s demand attention, they are always looking to receive praise and love to be the centre of any occasion. Sounds a little bit like our dramatic and flamboyant gladioli! Leo’s love to lead the way and we certainly think this perfectly matches them to the gladioli flower which, let’s be honest, loves to take the leading position when sitting in a vase.

Anyone born in early August is also a natural leader, a lot like gladioli which represents strength and integrity. In fact, this flower actually got its name from the Latin ‘gladius’ which means sword. This is partly due to the fact the flower looks like a little sword but it’s also linked to Roman times when these flowers would be thrown to victorious gladiators as a symbol of admiration.

Now, we know the traits of gladiolus doesn’t instinctively feel like the perfect choice for a Virgo, but there are a lot of similarities. Anyone born in late August is known to be that one friend who feels like a sister because they are honest, loyal and compassionate. Perfectly suited to the gladioli in yellow which is all about happiness and friendship. You should also know that if you are their friend, you are honoured. Virgos are picky and very clever about who they have in their life which is perfect for the gladioli which has been associated with moral character.

We can’t forget the poppy. These flowers really are true leaders, let’s not forget they had the ability to grow over the ripped up battlefields in World War I when everything else failed. Very similar to our determined Leos. It’s this same poppy trait that also links them to those born in late August who are incredibly hard working. After all, it took a lot of hard work for the gorgeous flower to thrive when everything else looked bleak.

Virgos always like to feel needed and this is perfectly represented in poppies who, when growing across the countryside, love to stick together. Yet there is another reason why the poppy is such a great choice. Virgos remember everything and let’s be honest, the poppy is the ultimate system of remembrance.

Flower names for August babies

Want to know the perfect flower-inspired name for anyone born in August? Well, the first almost obvious place to start has to be Poppy. If you wanted to shake it up, you could always choose the alternative spelling – Poppie.

Another flower which is starting to come out in August is Rudbeckia. Shorten the name a bit and you could go with Rudie for a boy or Beckia for a girl. Alternatively, you could go with the other name this bloom is recognised as – black-eyed Susan. A bit of a traditional name, but definitely different, you could choose Susan or shorten it to one of the different spellings of Suzie.

Everyone loves to see lilies growing in their garden borders or in pots by their front door. It’s no wonder then, that the name Lily is just as loved. This name regular features in the top 20 list of most popular baby names. If you wanted a slightly different take on the name, you could go with Liliana, Lilian or even Elizabeth.

Now for something completely different, how about the name Zinnia? As a flower, this one is gorgeous zingy blooms ranging from red, orange, deep pink and even green. As a name for your baby it will deliver all the same energy. If you want something perfect for a boy, why not have a look at the Tithonia flower, which you can shorten down to Titan. This gorgeous bloom delivers orange flowers with plush velvet petals. Or take inspiration from the sun-loving Cosmos plant. Shorten the flowers name down to Cosmo and you have a name of Greek origin which is ideal for either a boy or a girl.